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OK, this was a bit of a cheat because they're people, SUQQU Gankin massage therapists Tziana and Sze Wan.
For as long as I’ve been a fan of the brand I have known about their award winning Gankin massage but never had time to try it for myself. So 3 days before the start of London Fashion Week I decided to make time and finally book an appointment.
The treatment lasts around 30 minutes of which the Gankin massage is only about 5. I booked in with Julia at Selfridges not knowing what to expect. Don’t confuse the Gankin facial massage technique with one of those airy-fairy facials, it’s quite hard and can be painful (in a good way)…. like a deep tissue body massage. Gankin explores the relationship between stiff facial muscles and sagging skin and like all forms of deep massage it reduces facial swelling and fluid retention, improves circulation and lymph drainage, removes stiffness, lifts and shapes contours and breaks down unwanted fat deposits. The bit I found painful was underneath my cheeks (probably because I’m a habitual teeth grinder by night) but it felt like there was a really satisfying release of tension by the end. After the massage Julia applied a fabulous thing called ‘Upsurge Essence’ an instant tightening serum massaged with very firm and repeated lifting movements from cheek to temple after which I looked several years younger and a lot more relaxed. Unfortunately the effects of this product and application method only last for a couple of hours but its perfect for a night out.
I instantly knew I needed two of these super fast miracle workers backstage and begged Christa, Suqqu’s PR, to pull strings so that I could kidnap them for the weekend… their busiest time in store! What a difference it made, not only were the models completely in heaven but their skin was absolutely glowing.
When I had my appointment I only had 15 minutes to spare (yes I am that busy at the moment sadly) so I missed out on the 15 minute ‘how to perform a daily Gankin on yourself’ lesson. Including this, the treatment lasts around 30 minutes and costs £30; they will also do your make-up afterwards using all the fab Suqqu products and brushes. It’s available at Birmingham and London branches of Selfridges - Freephone 0800 123400.
It’s a great thing to have before a special occasion especially if you are suffering from a case of puffy ‘pre-menstrual face’ (you know the one) and the DIY massage you learn will last you forever. I firmly (no pun intended) believe, as someone who grew up watching her mother perform nightly DIY facial massage - usually whilst watching TV - and who now at 70 looks 50, that a daily massage helps to keep your face looking young and fresh. Fingertips at the ready!
To download a free step by step guide to doing a Gankin massage on yourself go to: