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Site Information

Product Disclaimer

I genuinely only feature products I like, or want to try. The products I use in these videos, mention on my blog and feature across my social media channels are either purchased by me or sent to me by makeup companies to use in my professional capacity as a makeup artist for fashion and celebrity photo shoots, red carpet events and so on. Products are also sent for the purpose of trialling for future videos and blog posts - however, I always make it very clear to PRs that there is absolutely no guarantee I will like or want to feature them. Working in the makeup industry, I have been receiving free products to try for over 20 years, so I’m extremely discerning when it comes to knowing what I like and think will work. Any giddiness I may have felt receiving a free product disappeared a long time ago! Any surplus products are donated to charity.

I do not accept, and have never accepted, sponsorship or product placement fees for any of my videos, blog posts or social media posts. Some of the links under the videos and blog posts are affiliated, however and as stated before I only feature products I like, or want to try. Affiliate links are relatively new to my site (starting summer 2013) after receiving constant requests to list all the products used in my videos along with suggestions on where to buy them. As this is a time consuming process, I had to hire someone to do this and payment from the affiliates goes towards paying them. My website is secondary to my career and main income source as a working makeup artist and creative director.

Any new products are subject to a thorough testing schedule by myself and my team at my studio, the House of Eldridge. The criteria is tough, as I ultimately want the level of performance to be good enough for my pro kit. If we have any doubts about a product we don’t feature it.

I feature products from every brand, ranging from niche to popular, cheaper to premium. As the creative director of Lancôme, I create products and collections for them in addition to making videos for their website and appearing at PR events for the brand. However, in accordance with the contract agreement I have with them, this does not extend to my personal website and social media channels, where I have complete autonomy and control of all content. Any mention of Lancôme on my site is at my own discretion and there because I believe it's relevant and in keeping with the democratic policy of my site. For example, I may Instagram a product that I have personally designed and created, or pictures of me working backstage on a Lancôme shoot.

Occasionally a celebrity asks to make a video with me. I encourage this as I think it's fun for my viewers. I do not accept any payment from the celebrity or any brands they may be associated with. If the celebrity is connected to a makeup brand, I'm happy for them to use a couple of their own products, alongside a good mix of other brands, providing I like and rate the products in question and they're relevant to the video we're shooting.

I can’t guarantee that all of the makeup and skincare products I mention will suit you. I only use products I personally think are good, having tried them on myself, my team or my clients - but everyone’s skin is different and it’s possible to be allergic to anything. Wherever possible, test things out on yourself before buying.

Update: Since June 2017, I switched on my YouTube Adverts with 100% of the proceeds going to the charity Plan International, as part of their Girls Fund, for more information on this decision click here.

All my products are 100% cruelty free, fragrance free* and suitable for sensitive skin

*With the exception of Baume Embrace Melting Lip Colour, which contains a food-grade, soft vanilla flavouring, that does not contain any allergens